by Ursula Tschorn | Sep 4, 2015
IDMP Gap Analysis It is important to create a common understanding for the project of an IDMP Gap Analysis across the company. So typically all departments should be involved. How can an IDMP Gap Analysis help you make your data management a success? IDMP...
by Ursula Tschorn | Jul 16, 2015
IDMP is aimed to be used wide out of the regulatory silo. Actually it will close the circle between the regulatory and the e-health world. This is the tremendous value of IDMP for the health care market worldwide. IDMP is the base for identifying medicinal products...
by Ursula Tschorn | Mar 21, 2017
Informationsstelle für Arzneimittelanbieter GmbH (IFA) Die IFA GmbH ist Informationsdienstleister für den deutschen Pharmamarkt und liefert Informationsdienste mit wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und logistischen Daten zu bundesweit in deutschen Apotheken erhältlichen...
by Ursula Tschorn | Jul 5, 2015
An investigational medicinal product (IMP) is not yet approved by a health authority. It is a new drug or device which has to be authorised for a clinical study. The goal is to assess the safety, efficacy, and / or the mechanism of action.
by Ursula Tschorn | Aug 1, 2018
The WHO Programme (World Health Organization) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. The goal of this organization is to “achieve better health for all through prevention and control of diseases.” One way they do this is by tracking adverse events...