Are you involved in IDMP? This IDMP Wiki puts you in the picture.

Most popular IDMP wiki terms

ISO 11239
ISO 11238


How to use our IDMP Wiki

This one-stop IDMP Wiki gives you the chance of interacting with stakeholders involved in IDMP and of looking up all IDMP related content, abbrevations and information. This Wiki is a wiki-based online project supported by the IDMP1 GmbH. Its aim is to create a comprehensive free content catalog of all abbreviations, terms, ISO Standards and knowledge needed in IDMP. It aims to build one “infinitely expandable” page for each specific aspect in IDMP , including video, sound, images, graphics, as well as text. It is directed at all stakeholder in IDMP projects (such as scientists / specialists in encoding, marketing authorization holders, contract research organizations etc.) rather than at the general public.

Ursula Tschorn is member of the EU IDMP Task Force and is involved in the development of the ISO IDMP Standard and especially in the IDMP Roadmap of the EMA to comply with the IDMP´s requirements.

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